

San Francisco based global freelancer marketplace for companies to hire independent contractors in the creative media, design and development industry


Ad Creative Design, Graphic Design, Creative Strategy, Brand Strategy

Ad Creative Design, Graphic Design, Creative Strategy, Brand Strategy


Weekly recurring

Weekly recurring


Full Stack Creative, Client Growth Lead, Marketing Manager


Figma, LinkedIn Ads, Meta Ads

Figma, LinkedIn Ads, Meta Ads

  • Problem Discovery

Contra, as a newer player in the freelance marketplace, faced several challenges in establishing its presence and attracting both freelancers and companies:

1. Limited brand awareness compared to established competitors like Upwork and Fiverr

2. Need to effectively communicate its unique value proposition to two distinct audiences: freelancers and companies

3. Requirement to increase client signups and SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) generation

4. Challenge of converting free users to paid plans

5. Necessity to improve positioning and drive traffic to key landing pages

6. Lack of a cohesive marketing strategy across multiple platforms (Google, Meta, LinkedIn)

These challenges were identified based on the project goals and KPI establishment mentioned in the original outline. The focus was on increasing various metrics and improving Contra's market position, indicating these were areas that needed addressing.

  • Design Challenge

How did our comprehensive marketing efforts enhance Contra's outreach and resonate with its diverse audience of freelancers and companies?

  • Solution & Goals

To address these challenges, our team developed a comprehensive full stack creative approach:

  1. Crafted a multi-platform marketing strategy tailored for Google, Meta, and LinkedIn, introducing LinkedIn to the channel mix

  2. Developed ad concepts focusing on Contra's all-in-one platform messaging and highlighting time and cost savings for companies

  3. Created tailored messaging for specific roles (e.g., hiring graphic designers) and developed the "indy saved time/money for companies" narrative

  4. Designed platform-specific creative assets, including text ads for Google Search, and image and video ads for Meta platforms

  5. Conducted strategic reviews of key landing pages and aligned CTAs with marketing objectives

  6. Implemented UTM tracking and Amplitude for session recording to optimize performance

  7. Explored unbranded creative to increase engagement

  8. Planned a public launch to coincide with Contra's 3-year anniversary, including the rollout of Contra for Companies (C4C) and a calculator tool

This solution aimed to boost Contra's digital presence, increase brand awareness, and drive measurable results in terms of client signups, SQL generation, and conversion of free users to paid plans.

  • Our Approach

To effectively address Contra's challenges, we adopted a holistic, data-driven approach that leveraged our full stack creative capabilities:

  1. Market and Audience Analysis: We conducted in-depth research on the freelance marketplace and developed detailed personas for both freelancers and companies, allowing us to create targeted messaging.

  2. Cross-Platform Strategy: We crafted a cohesive marketing strategy that spanned multiple digital platforms, ensuring consistent brand messaging while optimizing for each channel's unique characteristics.

  3. Agile Design and Optimization: Utilizing an iterative design process, we continuously refined our creative assets based on performance data and stakeholder feedback, supported by robust tracking and analytics tools for informed decision-making.

  4. Collaborative Content Development: We worked closely with Contra's team to develop authentic, value-driven content that resonated with both audiences, culminating in a strategic launch aligned with Contra’s 3-year anniversary.

Tool Stack

  • Phase 1: Discovery and Strategy

How did we align our creative vision with Contra's unique position in the freelance marketplace?

  • Client Background and Challenges

Contra is an all-in-one platform for finding and managing flexible talent, connecting freelancers with clients and companies. Key challenges included:

  • Building awareness as a newer player in the freelance marketplace space

  • Differentiating from established competitors like Upwork and Fiverr

  • Effectively targeting both freelancers and clients, with a primary focus on the client/company audience persona

  • Project Goals and KPIs

Our main objectives were to:

  • Increase client signups and SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) generation

  • Improve brand awareness and positioning

  • Drive traffic to key landing pages for freelancers and clients

  • Convert free customers to paid plans

  • Encourage product usage through hiring credits

We established KPIs around metrics like ad impressions, click-through rates, conversion rates, and organic traffic growth.

Contra SEO/SEM Report

Competitor Analysis: Upwork Facebook Ads

Paid Keywords & Paid Competitors Analysis

  • Phase 2: Creative Conceptualization

How did we translate Contra's value propositions into compelling narratives for both freelancers and companies?

  • Initial Concept Development

  • Created ad concepts for multiple platforms including Google, Meta, and LinkedIn

  • Developed messaging focused on Contra's unique value propositions, including:

    • The all-in-one hiring & management, payments platform

    • How to hire specific roles (e.g., graphic designers)

    • Money and time savings for companies using freelancers

  • Phase 3: Design and Platform Optimization

How did we tailor our creative approach to effectively engage audiences across different digital platforms?

  • Platform-Specific Designs

Developed tailored creative for:

  • Google Search ads

  • Meta (Facebook/Instagram) ads

  • LinkedIn ads (newly introduced to the channel mix)

  • Landing Page Review and CTA Alignment

Reviewed key landing pages according to marketing strategy and aligned CTAs:

  • /how-it-works/independents for freelancers

  • /home and /hire for clients

  • Various blog posts supporting SEO and providing value

  • New calculator landing page

  • Phase 4: Asset Creation and Performance Optimization

How did we ensure our creative assets authentically represented Contra's brand while driving engagement across all channels?

  • Multi-Format Graphic Design

Developed ad creative in various formats including:

  • Text ads for Google Search

  • Image ads for Meta platforms

  • Video ads for increased engagement

  • LinkedIn-specific ads targeting HR and Marketing heads

  • Platform-Specific Optimizations

Tailored ad copy and visuals for each platform, with a focus on:

  • Messaging ideas like "indy saved time for companies/saved $$"

  • CTAs specific to target profiles (HR, Marketing head, etc.)

  • Phase 5: Launch and Results Analysis

How did our integrated marketing approach contribute to Contra's growth and brand positioning in the freelance economy?

  • Campaign Launch Strategy

Planning a public launch on Feb 21 for Contra's 3-year anniversary

  • Launching Contra for Companies (C4C) followed by the calculator tool

  • UTM tracking and tools like Amplitude for session recording

  • Performance Metrics and Analytics

RoAS (Return on Ad Spend):

Weekly spend of $1700 resulting in 6 company onboards

Organic v/s Paid Traffic:

Organic traffic increase while paid traffic remained stable

Organic Growth:

Growing organic traffic from 40 hits a day to thousands over the last year

Estimated Daily Reach:

27,000 - 77,000 for target ICP provided by LinkedIn

Estimated Daily Link Clicks:


  • Key Learnings & Future Optimization

Identified need for both introductory messaging and more targeted hooks for ideal clients

  • Planning to develop separate campaigns for different stages of the funnel (awareness vs. conversion)

  • Continuing to refine messaging and creative based on performance data

  • Monitoring performance against LinkedIn-provided benchmarks for optimization