

San Francisco based YouTube tool
providing detailed analytics, keywords suggestions,
creator support and more


Ad Creative Design, Graphic Design, Creative Strategy, Brand Strategy

Ad Creative Design, Graphic Design, Creative Strategy, Brand Strategy


Weekly recurring

Weekly recurring


Full Stack Creative, Client Growth Lead, Marketing Manager


Figma, Canva, Meta Ads, Google Ads

Figma, Canva, Meta Ads, Google Ads

  • Problem Discovery

vidIQ, a leading YouTube analytics and optimization tool, faced challenges in scaling their user base and increasing paid subscriptions. They needed a comprehensive marketing strategy to reach new creators, promote their coaching services, and launch new features like their AI-powered "Supernova" product.

  • Design Challenge

How Did We Revolutionize vidIQ's Marketing Strategy and Drive Growth Across Multiple Platforms?

  • The Solution

We developed a multi-faceted digital marketing approach, leveraging various platforms including Meta (Facebook and Instagram), Google Ads, and Apple Search Ads. Our strategy included diverse campaign types, from app installs to coaching promotions, all while maintaining brand consistency and optimizing for performance.

  • Our Approach

Our approach as a growth team involved:

  1. Developing platform-specific strategies

  2. Creating and testing diverse ad creatives

  3. Implementing data-driven optimization

  4. Launching timely campaigns for product releases and special events

Tool Stack

  • Phase 1: Campaign Diversification and Optimization

How did we expand vidIQ's reach and improve campaign performance across multiple platforms?

  • #1 New Year Campaign

We launched a high priority and well-received campaign during New Year's Eve to capitalize on creators' goal-setting mindset. This campaign showcased our ability to react quickly to opportunities and align with user behavior.

New Year Campaign LP

  • #2 Coaching Plan Campaign

We developed a targeted approach to promote vidIQ's personalized coaching services, emphasizing the value of expert guidance for YouTube creators.

  • #3 Supernova Campaign

We created a fresh branding approach to introduce vidIQ's new AI-powered features, positioning the product as a revolutionary tool for content creators.

Creator Appreciation Week Ads

  • Phase 2: Platform-Specific Strategies

How did we tailor our approach for different advertising platforms to maximize reach and efficiency?

  • Meta (Facebook and Instagram) Strategy

We developed a comprehensive strategy for Meta platforms, including:

  • Targeted ad groups for specific geographic regions

  • A/B testing of various ad formats (static vs. video)

  • Continuous optimization based on performance metrics

  • Google Ads Optimization

Our Google Ads strategy focused on:

  • Optimizing branded search campaigns

  • Implementing Performance Max campaigns

  • Continuous keyword refinement and negative keyword management

  • Apple Search Ads Integration

We expanded vidIQ's presence on iOS by:

  • Launching targeted app install campaigns

  • Optimizing for key performance indicators specific to the App Store

  • Phase 3: Creative Innovation and Testing

How did we leverage creative assets to improve campaign performance and engage our target audience?

  • Video Testimonial Campaign

We created compelling video ads using customer testimonials and coaching call footage to showcase the real-world impact of vidIQ's services.

  • A/B Testing and Optimization

We implemented a rigorous A/B testing process for ad copy, imagery, and video content across all platforms to continuously improve performance.

  • User-Generated Content (UGC) Integration

We incorporated UGC into our ad campaigns, leveraging the authenticity of real creators to boost engagement and conversions.

  • Phase 4: Performance Tracking and Optimization

How did we measure success and continuously improve our strategies to drive growth?

  • Comprehensive Metrics Dashboard

We developed a holistic view of marketing performance across all platforms, tracking key metrics such as CAC, ROAS, and conversion rates.

  • Weekly Sprint Process

We implemented an agile marketing approach with weekly sprints, allowing for rapid optimization and performance improvements.

  • Geographic Performance Analysis

We continuously analyzed performance by country, optimizing budget allocation to focus on the most efficient markets.

  • Phase 5: Special Initiatives and Events

How did we leverage special events and initiatives to drive engagement and growth?

  • Creator Appreciation Week

We developed and executed a targeted campaign to celebrate vidIQ's creator community, driving engagement and fostering brand loyalty.

  • Seasonal Promotions

We created timely campaigns for events like New Year's, strategically aligning our messaging with creators' goals and aspirations.

  • Reflection

Our comprehensive approach for vidIQ resulted in:

  • Increased paid subscriptions and app installs

  • Improved campaign performance across all platforms

  • Successful launch and promotion of new features like Supernova

  • Enhanced brand consistency and messaging across all touchpoints

Key learnings:

  1. The importance of platform-specific optimization

  2. The power of authentic, user-generated content in driving engagement

  3. The value of agile marketing processes for rapid iteration and improvement

  4. The impact of strategic timing for campaigns and promotions