zeal real estate

zeal real estate

Redefining property buying experience
for GenZ and millenials with immersive
real estate listings based in Mumbai


UX Design, Wireframing, Design System, UI Design, Responsive Design, Prototyping, Developer Handoff

UX Design, Wireframing, Design System, UI Design, Responsive Design, Prototyping, Developer Handoff


16 weeks

Nov 2021 to Feb 2022

16 weeks

Nov 2021 to Feb 2022


Founders, User Inferface Developer, React JS Development Team


Figma, Notion, React JS, Chart JS

Figma, Notion, React JS, Chart JS

  • Problem Discovery

Young homebuyers in Mumbai face significant hurdles in their property search:

  • Lack of reliable ways to remotely compare property features

  • Opaque pricing practices among agents and builders

  • Time-consuming physical property visits

  • Inefficient communication between stakeholders

  • Design Challenge

How can we revolutionize real estate transactions through user-centric design?

  • Solution & Goals

Zeal Real Estate - a cutting-edge property tech portal designed specifically for Gen Z and Millennial homebuyers in Mumbai. Our platform offers a seamless, transparent, and informative experience that simplifies the property search and buying process.

  • Our Approach

The design process for Zeal Real Estate emphasized a modular framework tailored to the distinct needs of each user type, ensuring a focused and effective user experience. We began with extensive user research to identify key pain points, which informed the creation of specific features and functionalities for Real Estate Developers, Consumers, Real Estate Brokers, and Property Portal Administrators.

By integrating neomorphic design principles, we aimed to create an engaging and modern interface that resonates with our target audience. The iterative design process prioritized continuous user feedback and testing, allowing us to refine the platform for optimal usability while ensuring a seamless transition to development with a robust design system in Figma. This collaborative approach enabled us to deliver a streamlined and effective property-buying experience.

Tool Stack

  • Phase 1: Discovery and Analysis

How can we identify and understand the core challenges in the current real estate market?

  • Project Overview

Zeal Real Estate is a property-buying platform launched in Mumbai, specifically targeting Gen Z and Millennials. The platform is designed to streamline the property search and buying process by offering a user-friendly interface, comprehensive property listings, and features that cater to the needs of modern homebuyers.

  • Market Context

The platform aims to disrupt the traditional broker-oriented real estate market by providing a transparent, well-organized, and comprehensive solution for property buyers. Our target audience, known for their digital fluency and preference for self-directed research, expects a platform that is not only functional but also visually appealing and easy to navigate.

  • Problem Identification

Through user research and competitive analysis, we pinpointed critical issues:

  • Lack of remote and reliable ways to compare property features

  • Lack of transparency in pricing among agents and builders

  • Time-consuming physical property visits

  • Inefficient communication channels between stakeholders

  • Phase 2: User-Centric Design Strategy

How can we create a design that addresses user needs and enhances the property buying experience?

  • User Types and Jobs to Be Done

We identified four key user types:

  1. Real Estate Developers and Channel Partners

  2. Consumers

  3. Real Estate Brokers

  4. Property Portal Administrators

  • Feature Ideation

To address user needs, we conceptualized innovative features:

  • One-click property information sharing via WhatsApp, SMS, and email

  • Virtual and in-person visit booking system

  • Integration with Google Maps and calendar applications

  • 3D views of properties for virtual exploration

  • Built-in calculator for cost breakdown and EMI estimates

  • Design Elements

Neomorphic Aesthetics:
We incorporated soft shadows and elevated borders to create a modern, inviting interface aligned with Gen Z and Millennial preferences.

Brand Integration:
The design maintained consistency with Zeal's visual identity, using colors and gradients derived from the logo.

User Experience Design:
We prioritized a powerful search and filter system on the landing page, allowing users to easily narrow down properties based on specific criteria

  • Phase 03

How can we ensure consistency and efficiency in our design process?

  • Figma Components and Design Consistency

We developed a robust design system in Figma to ensure visual harmony across different pages and features. This system included:

1. Color Schemes: Brand-aligned palette
2. Typography: Clear, legible fonts
3. Card Designs: Consistent property listing layouts

  1. Layout Structures: Reusable page templates

  • Design Experiments

UI/UX Refinement:

We conducted continuous refinement to ensure smooth and intuitive user flow.

Dark and Light Modes:

The platform offers both modes to cater to different user preferences and enhance accessibility

Card Design & Layouts:

We explored various designs to present property information in an engaging and digestible format

  • Phase 4: Development and Implementation

How do we bring our refined design to life and prepare for launch?

  • Tech Stack

The platform was developed using ReactJS, chosen for its flexibility and efficiency in building dynamic user interfaces.

  • Developer Handoff

We provided detailed documentation and explanations to ensure a smooth transition from design to development, preserving design integrity.

  • Library Recommendations

Several libraries were recommended to enhance the development process:

  • ChartJS for data visualization on the property seller's dashboard

  • Various ReactJS libraries to enhance responsiveness and interactivity

  • Reflection

The Zeal Real Estate project taught us valuable lessons about designing for a complex, multi-stakeholder ecosystem. Key takeaways include:

  • The importance of transparency in building trust with users

  • The power of virtual tools in enhancing the property buying experience

  • The need for flexible, scalable design systems in large-scale projects

  • The value of continuous user feedback in refining and improving the product

By focusing on user needs and leveraging technology, we've created a platform that has the potential to significantly improve the real estate transaction process for Gen Z and Millennial homebuyers.

The Zeal Real Estate project taught us valuable lessons about designing for a complex, multi-stakeholder ecosystem. Key takeaways include:

  • The importance of transparency in building trust with users

  • The power of virtual tools in enhancing the property buying experience

  • The need for flexible, scalable design systems in large-scale projects

  • The value of continuous user feedback in refining and improving the product

By focusing on user needs and leveraging technology, we've created a platform that has the potential to significantly improve the real estate transaction process for Gen Z and Millennial homebuyers.