
On-demand customer support of

all brands under one app

On-demand customer support of all brands under one app


Research, Ideation, UI/UX, Visual design, Prototyping, User testing

Research, Ideation, UI/UX, Visual design, Prototyping, User testing


6 Months

Dec 2020 to May 2021

6 Months

Dec 2020 to May 2021


Bhavin Patel, Vishal Mandhyan, Prathamesh Patel

Bhavin Patel, Vishal Mandhyan, Prathamesh Patel


Figma, Jira, FigJam, Marvel, Photoshop

Figma, Jira, FigJam, Marvel, Photoshop

  • The Problem

For a business catering millions of customers, it is difficult to predict number of customer queries and reply each of them on time. Generally, companies install bots to automate task but it leads to following problems:

  • Frustrated Customers: Generic templates and inflexible bots often fail to address specific customer concerns, leading to dissatisfaction and churn.

  • Damaged Brand Reputation: Negative customer experiences spread rapidly, damaging a business's reputation.

For small business, onboarding customer suppor team adds unnecessary cost of they are underutilized.

In either case, customer support team faces operational challenges such as uneven call volumes, high user expectations and personal challenges like burnout, limited growth opportnities and lack of recgonition.

  • Challenge

How to bring down the cost of customer support function for businesses to decrease churn and create opportnities in customer service?

How to bring down the cost of customer support function for businesses to decrease churn and create opportnities in customer service?

  • The Solution

Inperson redefines customer support by prioritizing human interaction for complex and emotionally charged situations.

Focus on Expertise:

  • It connects you with industry professionals trained by well-known brands.

  • These professionals are available to work for multiple companies on-demand, ensuring access to a diverse pool of expertise.

Empowering Support Agents:

  • Inperson offers a dedicated platform enabling support agents to apply for, manage, and track multiple job roles, as well as monitor earnings and maintain professional profiles.

  • Phase 01

Research: Understanding the problem space with primary research to create specific knowledge and empathy

Research: Understanding the problem space with primary research to create specific knowledge and empathy

  • Market Research

To identify market gaps and opportunities, we initiated a comprehensive market research study. We identified and analyzed competing and complementary solutions.

  • User Research

To understand current state of customer support across popular apps, we conducted in-depth interviews with both businesses and their customers. Our goal was to understand customer sentiment and identify key pain points.

  • Key Insights

Customer Priorities: Customers are most likely to seek support when dealing with significant financial or emotional investments.

Time Constraints: Professionals often struggle to address time-sensitive tasks like taxes, legal issues, or healthcare appointments, which typically require weekend availability.

Industry Challenges: While large corporations employ dedicated support teams, compensation is often lower compared to other roles. Conversely, smaller companies and outsourcing firms offer higher pay but frequently rely on contract-based or freelance arrangements.

  • Developing Personas

To understand our users deeply, we created user personas. This helped us empathize with the end users and develop features that solve their problems.

  • Phase 02

Ideate: Developing tangible solutions from insights and knowledge created from research

Ideate: Developing tangible solutions from insights and knowledge created from research

  • Information Architecture

To begin the ideation process, we first wrote down all the features we wanted to include

  • Low-Fidelity

We drew some sketches to lay out my different ideas for Inperson features before spending a lot of time on the gray-scale wireframe.

  • Phase 03

Prototyping: Creating style guide and converting wireframes into high fidelity designs

Prototyping: Creating style guide and converting wireframes into high fidelity designs

  • Style Guide

After completing wireframes and compiling our UI research, we were able to summarize the vision for our brand identity with 4 key terms:

  • Accessible

  • Trustworthy

  • Engaging

  • Modern

We then proceeded to establish a style guide, which helped us keep consistency throughout all of our high-fidelity prototypes.

We leveraged the Ant Design system as a foundation and applied our unique brand identity to create a cohesive user interface.

  • Phase 04

User testing: reiterating prototype through feedbacks from user

User testing: reiterating prototype through feedbacks from user

  • User Testing

We got the opportunity to conduct a few remote user tests through ADPlist to gain insight and feedback. Through this, we were able to catch and reiterate and errors in our flows and prototype.

The very first response we received was that the onboarding screen doesn’t provide information about user side and expert side of an app.

For people who were signing up as expert or consultants didn’t knew whether this app is for them or not.

The second iteration is more customer centric and addresses all kind of users.

The user home page showcased all the associated companies user can contact but for a new user it was not clear to filter selective categories. So a section was added where user can directly check companies of a particular category.

  • Final Product

A marketplace of professionals to help businesses provide personalized customer support experience.

  • User Testing

What Inperson offer is all services under one app and it’s completely free for users. Below is my observation on comparison with different market segments.

  • Onboarding Flow

Simple and easy onboarding flow to help first time users to create an account

  • Customer Support Agent Flow

Easy to use flow for customer support agents to organize, manage and resolve customer queries

  • Jobs Flow

Onboarding job board for customer support agents with detailed information to make better decisions.

  • Landing Page

Unveiling the app's prowess to captivate, elevate marketing potential, and drive exponential app installs.

  • Reflection

  1. Prioritize user convenience and experience throughout the user journey. Avoid overwhelming users with too many features that make the design complex.

  2. Keep the design simple and intuitive to prevent confusion and frustration among users.

  3. Embrace iterative development and be receptive to user feedback for continuous improvement.

  4. Consider future needs and market trends when deciding on feature implementations. Some features can be introduced later when they become more relevant.

  1. Prioritize user convenience and experience throughout the user journey. Avoid overwhelming users with too many features that make the design complex.

  2. Keep the design simple and intuitive to prevent confusion and frustration among users.

  3. Embrace iterative development and be receptive to user feedback for continuous improvement.

  4. Consider future needs and market trends when deciding on feature implementations. Some features can be introduced later when they become more relevant.