

branded website refresh for a restaurant

kitchen management software
based in New York

A comprehensive online directory for all immigration programs and portfolio management services for Indian HNIs.

My Role

Website Refresh, Web Design, WordPress Development, Plugin Development


4-6 weeks: First launch

12-16 weeks: Phase 1 Revamp

📍HQ: New York, USA


Director of Communications, Senior Web Designer & Developer, Video Editor, Sales Team, Product Team, Marketing Team


Figma, WordPress (Theme, Template & Plugins), Elementor, Astra, Hostinger, YouTube Studio, Google Analytics, Canva, FigJam

Figma, WordPress (Theme, Template & Plugins), Elementor, Astra, Hostinger, YouTube Studio, Google Analytics, Canva, FigJam

Tool Stack


At PreciTaste, a New York-based restaurant AI software, we wanted to elevate the brand’s digital presence to appeal to investors, enhance user experience, and align with the company’s advanced technological offerings. Through a series of phased implementations, technical audits, design workshops, and the development of custom solutions, we delivered a website that is not only aesthetically appealing but also technically optimized for performance and scalability. The project’s primary objectives were to:

  • Enhance the brand’s visual identity and digital presence.

  • Improve website performance and user experience.

  • Align the site’s content with PreciTaste’s mission, values, and technological offerings.

  • Create a scalable platform capable of supporting future growth.

  • Challenge

How can we elevate PreciTaste's online presence to match its innovative AI technology and appeal to a global audience of investors and restaurant operators?

How can we elevate PreciTaste's online presence to match its innovative AI technology and appeal to a global audience of investors and restaurant operators?

  • The Solution

Transformation Phases:

  1. Design Mockups:

    • Visual showcases of the design evolution, emphasizing the brand's transformation.

  2. Revamp Process:

    • Implemented in three phases - Main pages, Tech pages, and Use Case pages, allowing users to delve into specific interests.

  3. Design Strategies:

    • Utilized precise spacing, WordPress Elementor Pro, and engaging videos. Ensured a simple user flow with strategic CTAs.

  4. Branding Impact:

    • Adjusted brand colors and fonts for better contrast and approachability. Consistent branding implemented throughout the website.

  5. User Feedback:

    • Positive post-Phase 1 launch, including praise from the CEO and co-founder, instilling confidence in the brand.

  6. Ongoing Phases:

    • Current focus on Use Case pages, highlighting sustainability and reducing food waste.

  • Design Workshop

  • Sprint 0: Stakeholder Feedback Workshop

We initiated the project with a comprehensive Sprint 0 workshop, gathering key stakeholders to evaluate the existing website. Using a structured feedback approach focused on improvement scope, questions, and appreciations, we gained valuable insights into the site's strengths and weaknesses. This collaborative process ensured all stakeholder concerns were addressed early in the design phase.

  • Phase 1: Uncovering Opportunities

What insights can we gain from the existing website to guide our redesign strategy?

  • UX/UI Design Evaluation

    We performed a detailed audit of the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, focusing on:

    • Responsiveness across devices

    • Design consistency

    • Brand alignment

    • Overall impact and effectiveness

    This evaluation highlighted opportunities to enhance the visual appeal and usability of the site.

  • User Testing

What Inperson offer is all services under one app and it’s completely free for users. Below is my observation on comparison with different market segments.

  • Technical Performance Audit

    Our team conducted thorough technical audits using industry-standard tools like Google Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights. These assessments revealed critical areas for improvement in load times, accessibility, SEO, and overall user experience. The findings formed the foundation for our optimization strategy.

  • Phase 2: Redesign and Development

How can we create a website that reflects PreciTaste's cutting-edge technology and improves user engagement?

  • Visual Identity Overhaul

Building on our audit findings, we reimagined PreciTaste's visual identity:

  1. Refined brand colors for better contrast and accessibility

  2. Introduced rounded fonts to enhance approachability

  3. Simplified layout for improved navigation

  4. Strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs) for maximum engagement

  • Content Enhancement

We integrated engaging videos and interactive elements to effectively communicate PreciTaste's technological edge. This rich media approach helps visitors quickly grasp the value proposition of PreciTaste's AI solutions.

  • Custom ROI Calculator Development

A significant technical achievement was the creation of a custom PHP plugin for an ROI calculator. This tool allows restaurant owners to estimate the financial benefits of adopting PreciTaste's software, considering factors like reduced food waste and lower hiring costs. The plugin underwent seven iterations to ensure both user-friendliness and technical robustness.

  • Database Optimization

We tackled a critical performance issue by optimizing the site's database. Through meticulous cleanup, we reduced the database size from 800 MB to 100 MB, significantly improving load times and overall responsiveness.

  • Image Optimization

All images were converted to the web-friendly .webp format, further enhancing site performance and load speeds.

  • WordPress Development & Organization Strategy
    To ensure a robust, scalable, and easily manageable website, we implemented a comprehensive WordPress development strategy:

    • Theme Selection and Customization: We chose a lightweight, performance-optimized theme as the foundation for the site, extensively customizing it to align with PreciTaste's brand identity and functional requirements.

    • Brand Color Integration: A custom color palette was created within WordPress, incorporating PreciTaste's brand colors to ensure consistency across all site elements and streamline future updates.

    • Customized Templates: We developed a series of custom page templates tailored to PreciTaste's various content types, including product pages, case studies, and blog posts, enhancing content presentation while maintaining design consistency.

    • Plugin Optimization: Carefully selected and optimized plugins enhanced functionality without compromising site performance, with each plugin vetted for compatibility and security.

    • Staging Environment: A dedicated staging site was set up for development and internal review, allowing us to test new features, designs, and content updates in a controlled environment before pushing to the live site.

    • Continuous Deployment: We implemented a rigorous deployment schedule, sometimes launching updates daily or twice weekly. This agile approach allowed for rapid iteration and responsive development based on stakeholder feedback.

  • Phase 3: Ongoing Enhancements and Future-Proofing

How can we ensure the website continues to evolve with PreciTaste's growth and changing market needs?

  • Continuous Feedback Integration

Post-launch, we've implemented a system for ongoing user feedback collection and refinement. The CEO and co-founder have praised the clean design and improved user experience, validating our approach

  • Use Case Page Development

    We're currently creating detailed use case pages tailored to different segments of PreciTaste's target audience, such as burger chains, pizza chains, and bakery operations. These pages will provide in-depth insights into specific applications of PreciTaste's software.

  • Event & Webinar Page Integration

    To support global marketing efforts, we've developed dedicated event pages showcasing industry conferences where PreciTaste will be featured. These pages allow users to register interest and schedule meetings with the PreciTaste team.

  • Google Sheets Integration

    We're implementing a Google Sheets integration with the event pages, enabling the marketing team to efficiently manage interactions and follow-ups.

  • Final Product: A Scalable, Brand-Enhancing Digital Platform

How does the revamped website position PreciTaste as a tech leader and support its growth objectives?

  • User Testing

What Inperson offer is all services under one app and it’s completely free for users. Below is my observation on comparison with different market segments.

  • Enhanced Appeal for Investors and Restaurant Operators

    The new website significantly bolsters PreciTaste's credibility among current and potential investors. Its polished design and comprehensive content showcase PreciTaste as a cutting-edge investment opportunity in the restaurant tech space. Moreover, the site's user-friendly interface and tailored content resonate strongly with our primary Ideal Customer Persona (ICP) - multi-chain restaurant operators. This enhanced approachability facilitates easier engagement, encouraging operators to explore PreciTaste's solutions and their potential ROI impact.

  • Central Hub for Marketing Campaigns

    The revamped website has become the cornerstone of PreciTaste's marketing strategy:

    • QR Code Integration: We've implemented QR codes linking to key website pages, enabling seamless offline-to-online user journeys.

    • Internal Page Linking: Strategic internal linking enhances user navigation and supports SEO efforts.

    • Cloud-First Approach: The website's cloud-based architecture ensures scalability and supports integration with various marketing and sales tools.

    This centralized approach streamlines marketing efforts and provides a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.

  • Sales Team Empowerment

    The new website has transformed how the sales team operates:

    • Primary Sales Collateral: Sales representatives now leverage the website as their go-to resource during client interactions.

    • Prospecting Tool: The site serves as a powerful prospecting tool, offering a comprehensive overview of PreciTaste's offerings.

    • Ongoing Customer Education: Existing clients benefit from the website's rich content, supporting continuous product education and engagement.

    By positioning the website at the forefront of sales activities, we've ensured that PreciTaste's digital presence actively supports and enhances the sales process.

This final product not only elevates PreciTaste's brand image but also provides a scalable, easy-to-use system that aligns with the company's growth trajectory. The website now serves as a powerful tool for attracting investors, engaging potential clients, and supporting ongoing customer relationships.

  • Reflection

The PreciTaste website revamp has successfully transformed the company's digital presence, aligning it with their status as a leader in restaurant AI technology. Key learnings and outcomes include:

  1. The importance of stakeholder involvement from the outset to ensure alignment with business goals.

  2. The critical role of technical optimization in improving user experience and site performance.

  3. The value of custom tools like the ROI calculator in engaging potential clients.

  4. The need for ongoing refinement and content development to keep the site relevant and effective.

By addressing both aesthetic and functional aspects, we've created a scalable platform that not only meets PreciTaste's current needs but is also poised for future growth. The positive feedback and improved engagement metrics underscore the success of this comprehensive redesign effort.