

A royal NFT Collection from the Prince of Italy,
soon to developed in to royal metaverse game.

A royal NFT Collection from the Prince of Italy,
soon to developed in to royal metaverse game.

My Role

UX Design, Wireframing, Responsive Design

UX Design, Wireframing, Responsive Design


3-4 weeks


UX Designer, Visual Artist

UX Designer, Visual Artist


Figma, Miro

  • The Problem

The Royaland project faced a unique challenge: creating a digital platform that could effectively launch an NFT-based game while capturing the essence of royalty. Specifically, we needed to address the following issues:

  1. Immersion vs. Functionality: How to create an immersive, storybook-like experience without compromising the website's functionality and user-friendliness.

  2. NFT Showcase: Developing an engaging way to present and explain the value of the NFTs within the game context.

  3. Cross-Device Consistency: Ensuring a seamless and captivating experience across various devices, particularly for critical elements like the countdown timer.

  4. User Engagement: Maintaining user interest from the initial website visit through to the game's beta launch and beyond.

  5. Technical Constraints: Balancing ambitious design ideas with technical feasibility and performance requirements.

  • Design Challenge

How can we create an immersive and engaging user experience for an NFT-based game that captures the essence of royalty?

How can we create an immersive and engaging user experience for an NFT-based game that captures the essence of royalty?

  • The Solution

To address these challenges, we implemented a multi-faceted design approach:

  1. Storybook-Inspired Homepage: We created a visually rich, narrative-driven homepage that introduced users to The Royaland's world. This design choice effectively balanced immersion with functionality by using intuitive navigation and clear call-to-action elements.

  2. Interactive NFT Gallery: We designed an interactive showcase for the NFTs, highlighting their unique features and value within the game ecosystem. This gallery used subtle animations and informative tooltips to engage users without overwhelming them.

  3. Responsive Design Strategy: We implemented a responsive design that adapted key elements like the countdown timer for optimal visibility across devices. On desktops, the timer was prominently placed in the top right corner, while on mobile devices, it was positioned at the bottom of the screen for easy access.

  4. Phased Content Rollout: To maintain user engagement, we planned a phased approach to content release. This included regular updates to the website, such as the integration of promotional videos post-beta launch, keeping the experience fresh and exciting for returning visitors.

  5. Optimized Performance: We collaborated closely with developers to ensure that our visually rich design didn't compromise website performance. This involved careful asset optimization and strategic use of animations to create a royal atmosphere without causing lag or long load times.

  6. User-Centric Iteration: Throughout the design process, we conducted multiple rounds of user testing and stakeholder feedback sessions. This iterative approach allowed us to refine the user experience continually, ensuring that the final product was both visually stunning and highly usable.

  • Phase 1: Conceptualization and Planning

How do we bring the idea of royalty into a modern digital space like web3 and gaming?

How do we bring the idea of royalty into a modern digital space like web3 and gaming?

  • Understanding the Royal Theme

The first step in creating The Royaland was to deeply understand the concept of royalty and how it could be translated into a digital experience. We researched historical royal aesthetics, storytelling techniques, and user expectations for NFT projects to inform our design decisions.

  • Defining User Personas

To ensure our design resonated with our target audience, we created detailed user personas representing potential players and NFT collectors. These personas helped guide our design choices throughout the project.

  • Setting Project Goals

We established clear project goals, including creating an immersive storytelling experience, showcasing the unique value of our NFTs, and building excitement for the game launch.

  • Phase 2: Design and Iteration

How can we combine a royal look with easy-to-use features for our gaming platform?

How can we combine a royal look with easy-to-use features for our gaming platform?

  • Initial Wireframing

We began with low-fidelity wireframes to establish the basic structure of the website. These wireframes focused on key elements such as the countdown timer, storytelling sections, and NFT showcase areas.

  • Iterative Design Process

Through multiple iterations, we refined our designs based on feedback from stakeholders and usability testing. This process helped us strike a balance between visual appeal and functional requirements.

To find a unique value proposition for Inperson, I analyzed competitors. We looked at business listing apps for contact and support service. Similarly, for consultancy service there are number of apps which solely focus on medical industry. There are few other apps for industry specific consultancy but hardly any of them are prominent in market.

What Inperson offer is all services under one app and it’s completely free for users. Below is my observation on comparison with different market segments.

  • Responsive Design Considerations

Ensuring a seamless experience across devices was crucial. We paid special attention to the placement of key elements like the countdown timer, adapting layouts for both desktop and mobile views.

  • Phase 3: Visual Design and Storytelling

How do we create a visually captivating experience that tells The Royaland's story?

How do we create a visually captivating experience that tells The Royaland's story?

  • Storybook-Inspired Homepage

We designed the homepage to evoke a storybook feel, using rich imagery and carefully crafted copy to introduce users to The Royaland's narrative.

  • NFT Showcase

A dedicated section was created to highlight the unique NFTs available in The Royaland, emphasizing their value and rarity.

  • Promotional Video Integration

As the project evolved, we incorporated promotional videos to provide a dynamic preview of the game and further engage potential players.

  • Phase 4: Technical Implementation and Launch

How do we ensure a smooth technical implementation and successful launch?

How do we ensure a smooth technical implementation and successful launch?

  • Collaboration with Developers

We worked closely with the development team to ensure our designs were technically feasible and optimized for performance.

  • Beta Launch Preparation

Preparing for the beta launch involved final usability testing, content refinement, and ensuring all technical elements were functioning correctly.

  • Post-Launch Updates

After the initial launch, we continued to iterate on the design, incorporating user feedback and new features to enhance the overall experience.

  • Reflection

The Royaland project was a unique challenge in blending the world of NFTs with an immersive game experience. Key learnings include:

  1. The importance of iterative design in balancing aesthetics and functionality.

  2. The value of storytelling in creating an engaging user experience.

  3. The need for flexibility in design to accommodate evolving project requirements.

By focusing on these elements, we successfully created a visually stunning and functionally robust platform that captures the essence of royalty in a digital space. The positive reception from users and high-profile stakeholders validates our approach and sets a strong foundation for the future growth of The Royaland.